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Prayer is a vital and integral component of the ministry at Zoe Center. It is the current whereby our ministry is able to flow in an excellent way. We have a Harvest Prayer Team that is charged with undergirding our Pastor and the congregation during Sunday service. Additionally, they intercede on behalf of individuals so that each person’s needs can be met before they leave the sanctuary.


The Prayer Ministry also gathers in corporate prayer during our weekly Prayer Calls and quarterly A Night of Prayer and Worship services. Please make plans to attend as we pray for the health and healing of individuals, families, the nation, and the world. We also take the time to apply prayer to the specific needs of people.


Though corporate prayer is important, our own personal prayer lives are even more critical to the development of our faith and our Christian walk. We would love to stand in agreement with you on issues pertaining to you or your family. But please note, if you are a believer, you have the ability to access God directly and present your petitions to Him. We encourage you to pray (communicate with God) which will yield several results including: growing closer to God; learning how to hear His voice; receiving instruction from Him about your life’s direction; experiencing the peace and rest of God; increasing your trust and dependence on Him.


Submit a Prayer Request   Submit a Testimony   Healing from Cancer Prayer List




Prayer Calls

(562) 999-7729

• 6am

• 7pm on Zoom only



Prayer Calls

(562) 999-7729

• 6am

• 7pm


Prayer Calls

(562) 999-7729

• 6am

• 7pm


A Night of Prayer Service
7:30 pm


Check Upcoming Events for Dates




Prayer Request

Please Submit Your Prayer Request Below



Please Submit Your Story or Testimony Below


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